What Kind Of Gas Does A Generator Use? The Right Generator Fuel Type!

In order to know What Kind Of Gas Does A Generator Use? We will first need to know about the working of a generator. A generator uses mechanical energy from motors, turbines, engines, or cranks. 

The mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy and used in businesses and homes to light bulbs and operate electronic devices and appliances.

Generators are to operate in a particular way based on the fuel used. As a result, various types of fuels are present for generators. But what is the proper generator fuel, and what are the different types of generators you need to know? 

In this article, I will discuss all the types of gas that a generator uses and the types of generators that run on those specific types.

What Kind Of Gas Does A Generator Use 

The fuel used by your generator can be one of the most important factors in selecting the right generator for your needs. Gasoline and diesel generators are popular since they can run on either fuel type. You may also consider tri-fuel or dual-fuel generators, which use gasoline and natural gas or gasoline and propane, as well as straight gasoline engines.

The kind of gas used by a generator depends on the type of generator you have. For example, some generators use diesel fuel while others run on natural gas or propane.  Propane is one of the most common fuels used in generators today because it is easy to find, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly.

Various Generators and Their Gas Types.

Here I list the most common generators and the fuel they use.

1. BI/Dual Fuel Generator

You’re probably wondering what kind of gas a bi/dual fuel generator uses.

Well, you’re in luck! I’ve got the answer to that question and more.

Actually I can operate Bi-dual generators with different types of on-the-market gas. They are easily accessible and have a guaranteed option to switch between gasoline and propane.

This can be an attractive option for homeowners who want to switch between different fuel types depending on what’s available locally or how much money they want to spend.

 Bi-dual generators are also great for people who travel frequently or live in areas with limited access to certain types of fuels.

2. Diesel Generators

In comparison to other kinds, diesel generators are recognized to be more efficient and require less maintenance. Therefore, I  strongly advise diesel because it can provide a lot of horsepower per gallon.

I noticed that Diesel generators are more fuel-efficient and can operate for a longer period without refuelling or maintenance. Additionally, they have a high power output that ranges from 1,000 to 10,000 watts.

Diesel generators are also considered one of the most reliable power sources in emergencies such as natural disasters or power outages.

They are more durable than any other generators available today because they use an internal combustion engine that allows them to run longer without problems like overheating or burning out due to excessive strain placed on the unit during operation.

3. Propane generators

Propane, often known as liquid petroleum gas, is another gas used by generators. A separate tank is present in the generator’s design for storing gas. Compared to gasoline, diesel, and natural gas, propane burns cleanly and emits less soot and CO.

It also has a higher octane rating than either of these fuels, making it ideal for engines that require high compression ratios. 

In addition, propane can be stored for long periods without losing potency and is safer to handle than other gaseous fuels, such as gasoline or diesel, which can ignite at temperatures above their flash points.

Propane generators are used in many applications, including construction projects, emergency preparedness, and home backup power systems. 

They are ideal for powering appliances in residential homes because they have no harmful emissions like carbon monoxide or sulphur dioxide that could be dangerous to breathe in confined spaces such as garages or basements where people spend much time during an emergency.

When electricity is not available anymore due to some disaster such as an earthquake, hurricane or flood damage from rising water levels caused by heavy rains falling from above ground level onto land surfaces below ground level (soil), causing water spillage all over.

As I examined, propane gas can only create 91,300 BTUs per gallon; it is less effective when compared to gasoline or diesel.

4. Gasoline Generators

Gasoline generators are the best option for home usage and also backup services. They are relatively cheap compared to other types, and their fuels are readily available.

They also have a large fan that keeps the engine cool, especially during high-power operations. 

The fan is connected to an electrical system so that it can be turned on and off according to the user.

This generator is typically used by homeowners who need an emergency backup power supply in case something goes wrong with the local power grid or an emergency situation like a tornado or hurricane.”

5. E85 Engines

If you’re looking for a generator that’s going to be less expensive than the other options, I suggest you consider using E85. 

This fuel is made from 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline, which means you can use any engine that uses regular gasoline. 

It also has a higher octane rating than regular gasoline and can be used in any engine.

Because E85 contains ethanol, it’s renewable and environmentally friendly. However, some drawbacks are associated with this fuel type: it can cause more gas mileage loss than regular gasoline, and it may not work well in older vehicles that run on fossil fuels (like propane).

Can I Use Premium Gas In A Generator?

Yes, you can—but only if it’s a generator that requires premium gas.

Here’s what you need to know about using premium gas:

Premium gas comes with advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage I have noted is that it has a higher octane number than regular unleaded fuel, which makes the engine run smoother and more efficiently, so it won’t get damaged as quickly. 

The disadvantage is that it’s more expensive than regular unleaded fuel. Depending on where you live, it may or may not be worth the extra cost.

Generators that need gas with a high octane number are the best to use premium gas because they’re made to run on this type of fuel. 

If you have a generator that doesn’t require this fuel, there’s no point in spending more money on something your generator isn’t designed for! 

You might have problems starting the generator if you try to use premium gas on one of those models (which could lead to damage).

What is Octane Gas For Generators?

The octane rating of your generator is the average measure of how much compression your fuel can withstand before being ignited.

While many factors contribute to a generator’s performance, one of the most important is its octane number. The higher the octane number, the more compression your fuel can withstand before it ignites.

This means that if I have a high-octane generator, it will be able to run longer and harder before needing to be refuelled—which means less downtime!

What Kind Of Gas Does A Champion Generator Use?

Champion generators use gasoline as their fuel. They do not run on diesel, propane, natural gas, or other alternative fuel. oil Champion generators use gasoline as their fuel. They do not run on diesel, propane, natural gas, or other alternative fuel. 

Using gasoline means you will have to find a place to fill the tank when it runs out. This can be a problem if you are in a remote area without access to gas stations or other fuel sources.

However, there is one advantage to using gasoline over other kinds of fuels: it’s cheaper! 

For example, suppose you’re looking for an environmentally-friendly way to power your home during a power outage or disaster. In that case, you may consider using solar panels instead of a generator that runs on gasoline.

What Kind Of Gas Does Generac Generator Use?

Generac generators are the best choice for powering your home in an emergency.

  • Moreover, Generac generators run on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel and sit outside like a central air conditioning unit.
  • It’s easy to fill up a tank from your home’s natural gas line or a propane tank. You’ll be able to power your whole home during an outage with no problem!
  • Generac generators run on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel and sit outside like a central air conditioning unit.
  • Liquid propane generators are more expensive than natural gas generators. Still, they provide more power, making them ideal for large construction projects or businesses that need more power than what is available through the local power grid.

Marine gas used in generators

Marine generators are a different variety of generators used by water vessels.

  •  They also use different types of fuels, just like normal generators, to produce electricity.
  • However, marine gas is different from the regular gas used in cars because it has lower octane levels and is made from a mixture of butane and propane. 
  • It is also important to note that marine gas cannot be used in cars.
  • Marine gas can be used in marine and other types of generators, such as portable ones. 
  • However, when using them for home purposes, you must ensure they are compatible with your generator’s needs.

Access to Ethanol-Free Gas

Ethanol-free gas can easily be purchased from your nearest gas stations. It is now becoming a popular choice for drivers looking to reduce the amount of ethanol in their fuel systems. Ethanol-free gas is also known as non-oxygenated gasoline or denatured fuel. 

It consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons, the chemical compounds that makeup petroleum. The amount of ethanol added to the fuel is determined by state regulations.

How Much Gas Can A Generator Burn In An Hour?

The fuel type and load greatly impact how much gas your generator uses each hour. Your generator will inevitably run out of gas if you try to run several appliances simultaneously.

NOGeneratorUse per hour 
15-Kilowatt generatorA typical five-kilowatt generator uses 0.75 gallons of gas every hour.
23-Kilowatt generator A larger appliance, such as a 30-kilowatt model, can use up to three gallons of gas per hour when fully loaded.

How Much Gas Does A Generator Consume Daily?

The amount of gas a generator uses in a day depends on the size and type of generator. It also depends on the amount of electricity you need to run. 

For example, if you have a large generator and use it to power your entire home, it will use more gas than if you used a smaller generator for backup power or only selected appliances.

You might use up to 18 gallons of gas daily using a five-kilowatt generator, which uses 0.75 gallons of fuel every hour.

How Long Will Five Gallons of Gas Run a Generator?

It depends on the fuel consumption rate.

If you’re looking for a generator that uses around 0.75 gallons per hour, you can expect it to run for seven consecutive hours.

Well, the answer also depends on what kind of generator you have. A small generator will run anywhere from 1 to 4 hours on a 5-gallon tank. On the other hand, a large generator will run for between 2 and 6 hours on that same 5 gallons.

Which Fuel Type Is Most Efficient?

1Diesel Diesel is the most popular fuel type on the market for many reasons. Diesel engines offer more power than other engines and are often more efficient than gasoline engines. They also tend to last longer than gasoline engines, so that you can save money in the long run.
2Natural GasNatural gas is also a good option if you want something clean and cost-efficient. Natural gas doesn’t produce as much pollution as other fuels, so it’s great for those who want to minimise their carbon footprint. However, it can be difficult to find natural gas stations near where you live or work—so this may not be a suitable fuel type for everyone!
3Propane Propane isn’t consumed too quickly. Propane is another clean-burning fuel type that doesn’t produce as much pollution as other fuels do—but it does tend to be more expensive than natural gas or diesel since propane is harder to come by than those other two options.


In this article I have explained What Kind Of Gas Does A Generator Use ?A generator is a device that produces and supplies the necessary power for various applications; It can be hooked up to any available power source.

Depending on the generator type, you can use a different fuel or generator gas. These fuels can be natural gas, LPG, diesel, or petrol. 

Checking what kind of fuel this generator uses is important before buying one; this can help you avoid all the hassles regarding its refilling process and availability; at the place you plan to install it.

I hope you find this article helpful, as I have tried my best to provide you with all the useful knowledge I have.


Can you use regular gas in a generator?

Utilise unleaded, clean fuel. Fuel must have a minimum 87 octane/87 AKI grade. Although up to 10% ethanol is permitted, non-ethanol premium fuel is better. E85, gas/oil blends, and engine modifications to run on other fuels are NOT PERMITTED.

How long will 5 gallons of gas last in a generator?

A generator can run for anywhere between 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 363 hours, 19 minutes on 5 gallons of fuel. The size of the generator and the fuel type plays a significant role in the duration (gasoline vs. propane).

Do all generators take gasoline?

Diesel, natural gas, propane, or gasoline are the fuels that almost all generators use. Hopefully, the information provided below helps ease any doubts or worries you may have about various fuel sources. In addition, a few general generator properties influence purchase decisions.

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