Natural Gas Generator VS Diesel? Which One Is Best And Why?

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between a Natural Gas Generator vs Diesel?

Well, first, it’s good to know that they’re both portable generators. 

With similar capabilities and features, the deciding factor between natural gas generators and diesel generators is power. 

This refers to wattage. If you have a large load or need more power to run many appliances and equipment, you will want a diesel generator.

In this article, I will help you compare the main differences between these two types of generators so you can decide which one meets your needs best.

Natural Gas Generator vs Diesel 

The primary distinction between a gas generator and a diesel generator is the fuel source, but there are additional differences in the ways that each generates power. While a diesel generator creates heat by compressing air in a cylinder, a natural gas generator employs spark plugs to ignite the fuel and air mixture.

Natural gas has become popular for backup power generation due to its lower cost and environmental benefits. Natural gas generators are more efficient than diesel generators but have some downsides. 

Diesel generators are significantly more expensive than natural gas generators, but they can provide more reliable power and are available in a wider range of sizes than natural gas generators. Natural gas generators are also subject to fuel shortages during an emergency or disaster when fuel supplies may be disrupted.

What is Natural Gas Generator?

From the comfort of your home, you will find numerous gas tools that you can use to create a more relaxing lifestyle. One of the most popular tools is natural gas generators. 

These devices are used by homeowners and commercial business owners who want their houses or offices to stay comfortable when there’s an interruption in service. Gas generators were created with the ideal household in mind. 

Equipment like this is used to help provide you with heat, electricity, and water for cleaning your house—even if there’s an issue with the main electric box or your power goes out unexpectedly.

 People have thanked gas generators for helping them save money on their electric bills every year by providing them with an alternative energy source.

People tend to sign up for these perks when installing their generators, but some end up forgetting about this option and never continuing. 

Businesses have also found great success using natural gas generators from EGD—especially those that operate food trucks or food carts. 

Although diesel generators are often used at larger operations to provide power and utilities during an emergency, NGDs are commonly used where running a natural gas line is not viable because they’re small, quiet, and easy to move around as needed.

Also See: Propane vs Gas Generator: Which is Right For You?

What Is a Diesel Generator?

A diesel generator is a type of engine used to generate electricity. It uses diesel fuel to drive an alternator that produces AC power. The alternator can be connected to lights, refrigerators, air conditioners and other appliances. Diesel generators are often used in remote locations where no electric grid exists or when the power grid fails.

  • Diesel generators are used to produce electricity for homes, businesses and industries.
  • Diesel generators are called “prime movers” because they move a heavy load by converting chemical energy into mechanical energy.
  • When a diesel engine runs, it uses its pistons to compress fuel until it ignites and burns. This creates pressure that forces gases out of the cylinder through a valve opening called an exhaust valve. The gases then travel down pipes called exhaust manifolds and out through exhaust pipes on the back of the engine block.
  • Diesel engines use only air and fuel (diesel) as their power source; they don’t need spark plugs as spark ignition engines. 
  • They also have fewer moving parts than spark ignition engines and require less maintenance because they don’t have spark plugs or distributor caps that can wear down over time due to friction between moving parts, which increases friction.

Natural Gas Generator VS Diesel: Side By Side Comparison 

Diesel GeneratorsNatural Gas Generators
Diesel generators use diesel fuel as their primary fuel source and produce carbon dioxide as an emission byproductA natural gas generator is a generator that uses natural gas as its primary fuel.
Diesel generators offer greater power capacity and higher efficiencyIts efficiency is lower than that of the diesel generators
Diesel generators are generally more expensive than their natural gasLess expensive
Diesel Generators produce more fumes and carbons into air.Natural gas generators use up to 30% less fuel and produce 30% less exhaust fumes per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced

Natural Gas Generator VS Diesel Generator: Major Differences 

The Engine formula

The engine formula is the relationship between a specific engine’s horsepower, displacement, and RPM. It is usually given as:

HP = (displacement) × (RPM)/(5252).

There is a formula that can be used to determine the relative efficiency of an engine. This formula is Eff = (Hp x torque)/(rpm x cylinder volume). 

The higher the number, the more efficient the engine. A natural gas engine can only be run at one speed, limiting its efficiency. A diesel engine will have a higher rpm number; therefore, it will have a higher efficiency rating than a natural gas generator.

Designed To Last

There are several important factors to consider when looking for the best portable generator for your needs. First and foremost, you need a generator built to last—that means it can handle the wear and tear of being transported to job sites or camping trips without breaking down. 

It should also start up easily, so you’re not wasting valuable time trying to get it running when you need power most (just before a storm rolls in or before your football game kicks off). 

Finally, you’ll want a generator with a durable frame, starting system, and engine to keep up with whatever tasks you ask, no matter how tough they might be.

Cost Evaluation

Generator power costs vary from region to area and can be affected by the demand in your area. Diesel generators generally cost more than natural gas generators.

However, for diesel generators to run efficiently, you must have a separate cogeneration system to generate electricity and power the generator simultaneously. 

This will increase the cost further. On the other hand, a natural gas generator can be hooked up to any existing gas line and start working immediately.

Furthermore, it is cheaper than diesel generators in terms of monthly usage cost and fuel consumption. The only downside of natural gas generators is that they are less powerful than diesel generators due to their smaller size. 

Therefore, if your power requirements are less than what a natural gas generator can provide, a diesel generator would be a better option for you as it is cheaper and more powerful than natural gas generators.

Saving The Environment

Saving the environment has become a popular topic recently, and for a good reason. We no longer need to worry about whether or not there is a planet to live on as we’ve developed ways to reduce our consumption of natural resources.

 Gone are the days when pollution was completely unregulated, and we could dump anything we wanted into the air, water, and soil. We have learned that how we treat the environment directly impacts our health and longevity. 

With the amount of pollution being released into the environment, it’s little wonder that we’re seeing an increase in cancer rates, heart disease, and other common illnesses.

Luckily, there are ways to help reduce these contaminants in your area, and one of them is natural gas generators. 

By using natural gas generators, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint while still being able to enjoy all the comforts of your home.

Natural gas is often considered clean-burning fuel because it produces fewer contaminants than gasoline or diesel-fueled generators.

 It burns at higher temperatures than other fuels and requires no additives to keep it burning cleanly. This means that you won’t produce as much NOx emissions (which cause smog), carbon monoxide emissions, or particulate matter with a natural gas generator. This is all important because of these.

Storage And Fuel

Natural gas is stored in large cylinders (also known as tanks). The size of a natural gas tank (or cylinder) depends on the amount of natural gas it can hold. 

For example, large industrial customers with high electricity demand may have 20-30 tonne tanks on site that can supply their needs for several days. However, the average domestic customer will have a smaller 5-10 tonne tank that will last them for just one day’s usage.

Diesel generators use diesel fuel in its liquid form (known as diesel oil). Diesel oil is stored in smaller containers called cans or drums. 

These cans are then transported to your site and filled with diesel oil before being used to fuel your generator. This means you need to organise where you store your diesel drums and how you transport them to your site before installing your generator – otherwise, you won’t be able to use it.

Also See: Diesel vs. Propane Generators: Choose the Right One for

Pros and Cons Of Diesel Generator 

Pros of Diesel Generators

  • Diesel generators are ideal for commercial and industrial use. They are also excellent for remote areas as they can run for days without refuelling.
  • Diesel generators produce less noise compared to natural gas generators. This makes them suitable for homes and offices where noise pollution is a concern.
  • Diesel fuel has a high energy density, so it can store more energy in a smaller package. Its ability to store more energy makes it an excellent choice for long-term applications such as emergency power supply and peak load support.

Cons of Diesel Generators

  • Diesel generators are heavier than natural gas generators, requiring more space when stored or transported. In addition, they are also more expensive than natural gas generators due to the cost of their fuel tank, which must be large enough to store enough diesel fuel to power the generator for at least 6 hours of operation at full load capacity.
  • The biggest drawback of diesel generators is that they produce an odour during operation that may be unpleasant depending on where you live. The smell can also linger around your home after using the unit, so it’s important to keep this in mind when considering whether or not to purchase one for yourself. 

Also See: Solar Generators vs. Fuel Generators: Which One Is Best

Pros And Cons Of Natural Gas Generators 


  • The main benefit of natural gas generators is that they emit fewer pollutants than other generators. 
  • They are also a renewable resource, which means they don’t produce any harmful emissions of greenhouse gases. 
  • On top of this, natural gas generators require less maintenance than other types of generators since fewer moving parts are involved in their operation. This makes them ideal for long-term use or permanent installations where maintenance costs would be high otherwise due to frequent breakdowns caused by wear and tear on mechanical parts over time.


The most significant disadvantage is that they cost more than diesel generators. 

  • Another disadvantage is that they can only run on natural gas. So if you need to run your generator during an emergency, you will need to ensure that you have plenty of natural gas in your storage tank before disaster strikes.
  • Another big problem with natural gas generators is that they require regular maintenance and servicing to ensure they continue running properly and safely for many years after purchase. This can be expensive and time-consuming for many who want to use their generators for emergencies.

Can A Diesel Generator Run On Natural?

Diesel generators are designed to run on diesel fuel. Natural gas can be used in a diesel generator, but it is not recommended.

Natural gas contains methane, a flammable gas that may explode if it gets too hot or if the methane concentration in the air is too high. Diesel generators are designed to run at high temperatures and pressures that would make natural gas combustible.

Diesel generators also have an ignition system that uses sparks or glow plugs to ignite the fuel-air mixture in their combustion chambers. A spark from this ignition system could ignite the natural gas and diesel fuel, causing an explosion and fire.

Natural Gas Generator Vs Diesel: Which One Is Better?

Which one is better? Natural Gas Generator or Diesel Generator? It takes a lot of work to answer. Without a clear-cut winner, you’ll have to weigh the options based on your needs and circumstances.

Diesel generators are more efficient than natural gas generators: they convert fuel into energy with a higher efficiency percentage (66% vs 50%). 

This means that a diesel generator will produce more electricity than a natural gas generator for the same amount of fuel burned. Diesel generators are also more powerful, which can be important if you’re trying to run things like air conditioning units or electric ovens when the power goes out.

Natural gas generators cost less than diesel generators because they don’t require expensive after-market modifications to run on natural gas. In addition, if you own a natural gas vehicle, you can easily use the same fuel source in your backup generator during an emergency. 

Natural gas generators are generally easier to install than diesel generators. Still, they don’t produce as much power—you’ll need multiple natural gas generators to power large appliances and electronics.

If you already have access to natural gas, natural gas-powered generators are a cheaper and easier solution for backup power than diesel-powered generators.


In competition of Natural Gas Generator Vs Diesel? Whatever your generator needs, it is nice to have a choice. Diesel generators are great because they are easy to find, cheap to own and operate, powerful, and very common. While you need diesel fuel to run them, they are easy to maintain. Natural gas generators are cleaner running and will produce fewer emissions.

Some say they have no emissions, but that’s not entirely true. They will have some emissions or waste products from combustion that require filtering. Natural gas is much easier to find than diesel, so I recommend it as a primary backup generator fuel.


Are diesel generators better than gas ones?

To put it briefly, gasoline generators are less fuel-efficient than portable diesel generators. Said diesel engines use less fuel than their gasoline-powered counterparts. Diesel would be the best option if fuel efficiency were a major deciding factor in which kind of generator was best in diesel power plants.

Does diesel get better gas mileage than regular gasoline?

Diesel is a cleaner, more energy-dense fuel, which is why it burns cleaner and provides greater gas mileage than gasoline. Compared to a gasoline-powered car of equal size, a diesel engine is between 25 and 35 per cent more fuel-efficient. When using a diesel engine, you fill up significantly less frequently than a gasoline engine.

How much energy can a diesel generator produce?

Specific consumption varies, but a contemporary diesel plant will produce at least 3 kWh per litre (about 30% fuel efficiency ratio) at a near-optimal 65-70% loading. Generators must deliver the predicted power demand reliably and damage-free, and the manufacturer does this by assigning one or more ratings to a particular generator set type.

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