Why Generator Rating In Kva Instead Of Kw? (CAPACITY – KVA – KW EXPLAINED)

kW is the amount of ‘actual power’ an electrical system has. kVA, on the other hand, is the measure of ‘apparent’ power. Although both are essentially units that measure power, they have many differences that confuse many people. This article highlights the key points when choosing which unit you need to use and when.

In this article, I will explain Why Generators Are Rated In Kva Instead Of Kw? So let’s get started. 

Why Generators Rating In Kva Instead Of Kw?

The “real power” of an electrical system is measured in kW. This demonstrates the amount of power that is transformed into functional output. On the other hand, the unit of “apparent” power is the kVA. If you can work with kW, kVA shows you how much electricity is actually being used by the system as a whole.

A very interesting phenomenon is observed that the rating of a generator in kva is higher than kw.

This is because while connecting an inductive (capacitive) load instead of a resistive load, the output voltage is different as there are losses due to a low power factor (P.F.).

So, for this reason, KVA is an apparent power that does not consider P.F. (power factor) instead of K.W., which is Real Power.

What Is The Difference Between KVA And kw In Generators?

KVA and kW are the two most common units of power for generators. Both units refer to how much load a generator can handle.

The difference between the two is that KVA is based on how many watts a generator can deliver under ideal conditions. In contrast, kW is based on how many watts it produces under real-world conditions.

Here I have listed some differences 

1KVA stands for kilo-volt-ampereskw stands for kilowatts
2Kilovolt-amperes (KVA) are a measurement of apparent power in an electrical circuit. Apparent power is the product of the voltage and current that’s flowing through the circuit at any given moment in time.KW measures the amount of power that can be produced by a generator at a specific voltage level. The higher the kW rating, the more energy it has available for use.
3kVA tells you how much is being used in the system overall.
This shows you how much power is being converted into useful, working output.
4To understand this better, imagine a water pump that draws 1000 amps at 120 volts. The kVA rating would be 1200 because it takes 1 kw of power to move 1 amp through a 120 volt circuit for one second in one hour.To understand this better, imagine a water pump that draws 1000 amps at 120 volts. The kVA rating would be 1200 because it takes 1 kw of power to move 1 amp through a 120 volt circuit for one second in one hour.

Kva vs Kw:

kW vs kVA: you’ve got the power!

If you’ve ever wondered what kW and kVA mean, then you’re in luck. I know how confusing these two terms can be so I will explain them to you.

Understanding how kW and kVA are different can be confusing. The difference between kW and kVA is that kW shows how much power is being converted into useful, working output, while kVA shows how much power is being used in the system overall.

 If the efficiency of an electrical system is perfect, then kW would be equal to kVA. But because no system is completely efficient, not all apparent power will be converted into useful output.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve the efficiency of your electrical system, look at your kVA rating and see what it means for your business!

Why Is A Generator Or Alternator Rated In kVA? 

In very short, a generator generates both active and reactive power, rated in volt-amperes (V.A.) instead of watts (W).

  • The power delivered by the alternator and generator for a given current value depends on the lord’s power factor (P.F., or power factor = cos ). In other words, instead of delivering Watts, generators and alternators provide both active and reactive power, the amount of which depends on the linked load’s power factor.
  • Remember that the insulation at the magnetic system and the conductors of alternators are each designed for a certain voltage independent of the P.F. (Cos) of the load. Because of this, the apparent power expressed in kVA is taken to be the alternator’s rated power.
  • Generators are used to generate alternating currents (A.C.). A.C. is needed for powering most household appliances and industrial equipment.
  • To understand why generators are rated in volt-amperes rather than watts, we must first understand what a watt is. A watt is a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second. Power is the rate at which work is done.
  • So what exactly does this mean? Let’s say you have a 100-watt light bulb connected to an A.C. outlet. That would mean the light bulb has enough energy to produce 100 joules every second for an hour (or 3600 seconds). In other words, it can provide 100 joules every second for an hour if there are no losses from resistance or heat generation during use.
  • However, if you wanted to know how much power was being used over time, you would need something called active power instead of just total power over time because passive components, such as resistors, do not affect active components like inductors or capacitors.

Why We Don’t Always Specify K.W. Rating On All Generators?

We sometimes specify the K.W. rating on only some generators because many factors can affect the actual output of a generator. The most significant factor is the load, which is the amount of power devices use.

 If you have a lot of appliances running at once, then there will be more load on your generator, and it will need to work harder to keep up with demand.

Another factor is how much fuel you are using. As fuel gets used up, it produces less energy per unit of time. As your fuel gets used up, so does your generator’s output. 

If you have a large tank full of fuel, then your generator will produce more power than one with just enough fuel for an hour or two of operation; this is why we don’t always specify K.W. ratings on all generators because they can change based on how much fuel they have available.

When it comes to generators, one thing that often surprises people is how much heat the engine produces.

This heat can be significant enough to require an additional internal cooling system which will increase the overall weight and size of the generator.

 Because of this extra weight and space devoted to cooling systems, it is unlikely that a larger generator could produce more than 2-3kW without compromising other features like fuel efficiency or reliability.

Kva Or Kw: The True Measure Of A Generator

When buying a generator, you may need clarification on the difference between KVA and Kw ratings. Both are important, but they can be used to measure different things.

KVA is short for kilovolt-amperes, a unit of power that measures how much electricity is being drawn at any given time. Kw is short for kilowatts.

Which refers to the maximum power the generator can put out at full load. In other words, it’s how much current it can supply without overheating.

The higher your KVA rating is, the more electricity you can draw from your generator at one time. So if you have high-voltage appliances like air conditioners or heaters running off your generator—or if you’re plugging in multiple appliances at once—you’ll need a higher KVA rating than someone who only needs one appliance (like a lamp).

How To Change kW To kVA?

You must first know the system’s efficiency (or power factor) to convert kW to kVA. A scale from 0 to 1 is used to quantify the power factor (pf).

  • A generator typically has a power factor of 0.8.
  • kW / pf = kVA is the formula for converting kW to kVA. For instance, 200 kW/0.8 pf = 250 kVA
  • The formula is kVA x pf = kW. For example, 250 kVA x 0.8 pf = 200 kW.

Don’t worry if you need clarification or are uncomfortable converting between kW and kVA. While having a decent notion of the size of the generator you need can be beneficial, don’t worry if you need clarification.

They’ll spend some time getting to know your profession and talking about the specifics of what you’ll be doing and for how long. They may then offer advice on the best generator size.


I hope that now you have enough knowledge about Why Generators Are Related In Kva Instead Of Kw? The importance of the KVA rating is that it shows the generator’s power rather than just how much an electric motor can put out. 

A 1000W generator (1KVA) will not necessarily produce 1000W of power. Many factors need to be considered: type of load, cables run, distance from the generator to load, and other factors. So the KVA rating is important rather than just looking at how much a generator can produce.


Why are generators rated in kVA, not in kW?

I hope The transformer’s voltage determines the iron loss, also known as the core loss, much as the copper loss, or I2R loss, does. As a result, the total losses in a transformer are solely dependent on volt-ampere (V.A.) and not on the load power factor. Because of this, the transformer rating is stated in kVA rather than kW.

Why is the generator rating in kVA?

kVA stands for 1,000 volt-amps. It results from multiplying voltage (the force that propels electrons around a circuit) by amps (electrical current). Kilovolt amps gauge a generator’s “apparent power,” as the term goes. Kilowatts (kW), which measure “real power,” are not comparable to this.

Can you convert kVA to kW?

KVA pf = K.W., where pf is the power factor, is the formula for converting KVA to K.W.

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