Does A Generator Charge Its Own Battery?Explained!

As the title suggests, this article will answer the question: Does a generator charge its Own battery? This is a question I often get asked, so I decided to write an article specifically on it.

The quick answer is yes. The slightly longer answer is no because the alternator on a generator won’t charge a battery from being unloaded, but it will charge while under load. 

Generators are dual-purpose devices that serve as an energy source and an electrical power converter. 

Their dual purpose allows them to store energy within their magnetic field to work without primary energy sources and then transfer it back into the real energy source when available.

Does A Generator Charge Its Own  Battery?

The answer is yes and no. A generator is an electric motor that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Like any other electric motor, it requires electricity to “push” the rotor around and turn it into mechanical work. 

So if the generator runs out of fuel or stops working altogether, it won’t be able to generate electricity.

However, most generators have a battery attached to them that stores enough power to keep the lights on for a short time after the generator stops working. 

The battery will allow you to use appliances like your fridge or freezer until you can get help from an electrician.

How Long Does A Generac Generator Battery Last?

A Generac generator battery will last for about three to five years, depending on how often it is used and the care given to it.

How long a Generac generator battery lasts depends on several factors. Some of these are:

The frequency of use. If you only use your generator once or twice a year, the battery will have more time between charges, which means it will last longer than if you use it every weekend during summer.

The condition of the battery when you buy it. If you buy an old used one, it is likely to have less capacity than a new one because they lose capacity as they age, and this is especially true if they have been sitting unused for many months or years before being sold.

How well do you maintain and look after your generator battery between uses? Keeping your batteries well-maintained can increase their lifespan by up to 50%.

How Does A Generator Charge Its Battery?

There are two main ways that a generator can charge its battery. One uses the alternator in the engine, and the other uses a separate charging system.

The most common way is to use the alternator in the engine to charge the battery. This is done by installing a diode in line with the alternator, which allows current to flow from the alternator to the ground but not back into it. 

The diode should be installed so that it’s not possible for any voltage from the alternator’s output terminals to reach its input terminals. 

This can be accomplished by placing it inside an electrical box next to the alternator or wiring it directly to a grounded terminal on your battery charger (which should be connected in parallel with your batteries).

Another way is by using a dedicated battery charger that plugs into an outlet and connects directly to your batteries. A good quality charger will have multiple outlets to connect several batteries simultaneously.

 Still, some models only include one outlet and require you to disconnect each battery before connecting it to another.

How Can I Extend The Life Of My Generator’s Battery?

Here are a few tips to extend the life of your generator’s battery:

Keep it well-chargedIf you aren’t going to use your generator for a while, make sure you charge it fully before storing it. If possible, keep it plugged in so that the battery will be charged when it’s time to use it again.
Keep it coolAvoid storing your generator in hot places—such as your garage—and avoid leaving the generator running in direct sunlight when possible. This will help reduce wear and tear on the battery and prevent overheating if you need to run the generator for more than just a few minutes at a time during an emergency situation.
Replace old batteries with new onesIf your generator’s battery is older than five years or so, it might be time to replace it with a new one if you want to get maximum performance out of your unit over time.

How long does it take a generator to charge its battery?

A generator can charge its battery, and the process is called self-charging. The generator must run at a constant speed for this to happen.

The generator can charge its own battery, but it will take a long time. Depending on the size of your generator and its battery, it could take anywhere from four to 24 hours.

When the generator is running, it generates electricity that is stored in its battery. The same happens when you are charging your cell phone or laptop; the device draws power from the outlet and stores it in its internal battery.

If you turn off your generator but leave it connected to a 110- or 120-volt outlet, then you are allowing power to flow into your home and charge your devices, but not back into your battery. 

This process takes time because there isn’t enough power coming from the outlet to charge the generator’s battery all at once completely.

Is it Possible for a Generator Battery to go Dead?

A generator battery can go dead. However, this is rare.

When the generator is turned on, it will automatically start charging the battery. If you need to charge the battery manually, use a charger designed for use with lead-acid batteries.

Depending on its condition and how much charge is left in, it may take several hours for the battery to recharge fully. Once it’s charged up, please turn off the generator and allow it to cool down before removing the leads from the battery terminals so as not to damage them.

If you want to use your generator again but don’t have any power, check out our article on how to jump-start a car with jumper cables.

How Often should I Charge my Generator’s Battery?

In general, you should charge your generator’s battery once a month. This will keep the battery in good condition and ready to go when you need it.

If you have a backup generator that runs off on propane or natural gas, you’ll want to ensure that the fuel tank has been topped off before an outage. 

This can be done by adding more fuel or running the generator for a few minutes before turning it off.

The fuel used depends on how much power is being used during the outage. For example, if your lights are on and you’re using appliances such as a microwave oven, more fuel will be used than if those appliances weren’t used.

When using your generator during an outage, try not to run it for more than three hours at a time without stopping for at least one hour to give it time to cool down before starting up again.

What is the best way to Charge a Generator Battery?

The best way to charge a generator battery is with a charger designed specifically for that type of battery.

For example, if you have a deep-cycle battery, you need a charger designed for deep cycles. You can buy this charger at an auto parts store or online at places like Amazon.

If your generator has an onboard charger, it’s best to use it. Unfortunately, many generators don’t come with onboard chargers, but they can be purchased separately and added later if needed.

If your generator doesn’t have an onboard charger, you will need to charge the battery separately by hooking it up to another charger. This can be done by connecting the two batteries with jumper cables and hooking them up to the same external battery charger.


In this article I have explained How A Generator Charges Its Own Battery.There are many different ways of putting generators together and many variations on the idea of a generator supplying power to its battery. 

I have presented some variations above. While a generator is running, it charges its battery bank and is not transferring any energy to parallel devices. 

Therefore, a generator cannot charge the battery bank of another generator while they both run simultaneously. The only way to charge indirectly from a generator running is if you have an external charging source (such as in an outlet or solar charger) that can charge the batteries in parallel with the generator running. 


Does a predator generator charge its battery?

A predator generator does charge its own battery. It has to come up with DC cables, and you can charge its battery.

How long does it take to charge?

The battery can take up to 2 hours if the generator is plugged in.

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