Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators? Step By Step Guide!

Many generator connectors are available on the world market, which are made to operate many appliances with periodic current (that is, alternating current). But, there are different sizes and numbers of phases of generators that need to be connected to be a single system without any bottlenecks. 

In this guide, I will explain Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators? And  how these generators can be connected to improve the electricity supply at homes, offices, and factories to make them more productive.

Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators?

Regardless of the model or size of the generators, you can run two in parallel, but you must determine the ratings of the following for each generator: voltage at output. Frequency

You can parallel two different-size generators using the fitting kit. Suppose you need to supply power to a building, for example, and your regular-sized generator isn’t enough. In that case, you can use a more significant generator in parallel with another smaller one. To do this, you only need two inverter generators and the correct parallel kit.

What Are Parallel Generators?

A parallel generator is a generator with two or more generators connected to form one output. Parallel generators are typically used in the power industry, where they are used for generating large amounts of power.

The pros of using parallel generators include the following:

  • They are less expensive than other generators (such as series and compound). This allows them to be used in areas with little money to spend on generators.
  • They offer more reliability than other types of generators.
  • They are easier to maintain than other generators because they have fewer parts and components.

I will examine the fundamentals and advantages of paralleling inverter generators, mainly two different sizes, in the remaining sections of the text. I’ll also discuss the factors before wiring the generators in parallel.

What Is The Load Sharing While Running Two Generators Of Different Sizes Simultaneously?

Load sharing is a way to manage the energy usage of two generators of different sizes.

When two generators are running at once, it’s essential to ensure that the larger one doesn’t use more energy than necessary and that the smaller one doesn’t overwork itself.

The load sharing while running two generators of different sizes simultaneously is a way to improve the efficiency and power output of a generator system.

You can run both generators at once and create a “load sharing” strategy, where one generator takes on some of the load from the other to even out their workloads.

To manage this balance, you need to be able to monitor how much energy is being used by each generator.

The KVAR system does this by measuring how much voltage is produced and how many amps are used at any given time.

How To Choose A Parallel Generator?

When you’re looking for a new generator, it’s essential to make sure you choose the right one. A parallel generator will help you get more power out of your current generator and give you the ability to run multiple machines at once.

NoQualities Explanation
1Parallel capabilitiesmake sure that the generator has parallel capabilities. This means that it can be used in tandem with another generator to increase your power output. In other words, if you have two generators running at 2 kW each, they can be combined to produce 4 kW of power.
2Generator operates at the correct wattage for your operations.Our new generator operates at the correct wattage for your operations. For example, if you need 20 kilowatts of power for your facility, a 5 kW generator might not be enough for your needs
3Sae Fuel Typemake sure that both generators use the same fuel type so that you don’t have to stock up on multiple types of fuel or wait for one type to become available before using the other type of fuel-powered generator (which could happen if they were both diesel-powered).
4Ventilationcheck out what kind of ventilation is required by each model so that cooling isn’t an issue when running two or more generators simultaneously.

Does Damage Occur When Two Generators of Dissimilar Sizes Are Paralleled?

Most inverter generators these days are designed to run in parallel so that you can use more power whenever needed.

So pairing two parallel compatible generators is entirely safe, but there are some situations where this may not be the case.

If you’re paralleling a large generator with a smaller one, it is essential to ensure you have enough battery power for both units. If you don’t have enough battery power available, your more significant generator may not be able to start up when needed because of the additional load from your smaller unit.

It’s also essential to ensure that both generators have similar starting characteristics and voltage ratings to work together correctly.

If you’re using two different brands or models of generators, they might not work together correctly, and damage could result if they were misconnected.

How To Wire Two Generators In Parallel?

Wiring two generators in parallel is an easy way to make sure you have enough power for all of your equipment. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Make sure the circuit breaker on each generator is turned off. If they’re not, turn them off now! It’s dangerous to work on electrical systems when they’re alive.
  2. Connect the red cable from one generator to the red terminal on the other generator (and vice versa for black). This will connect both generators’ power supplies so that both will be drawing from the same source of electricity. You may need an extra set of hands for this step if one person is holding each end of the cable and another person is crimping or screwing down the connectors at each end.
  3. Now connect your lines from each generator’s output terminals back into their respective panels (where they were taken from initially), and then turn them back on!

Operating Parallel Generators

Here I have given the steps to run parallel generators.

Step 1: Verify The Compatibility Of The Generator

Before running parallel generators, you need to make sure they are compatible.

A parallel generator is a generator that has been modified to work in a parallel configuration. This means two or more generators are connected and will produce power at the same time.

The first step to running parallel generators is to ensure that they are compatible with each other. Some generators can operate in parallel with one another, while others will not. If you do not know if your generators are compatible, ask an expert or look up model numbers online.

Step 2:Utilize A Parallel Cable Kit 

Connecting generators is easy when you use a parallel cable kit. These kits allow you to connect multiple generators, so they can supply power to your home or business without having to change out the cords of each one individually.

Connect the positive and negative cables from all your generators into one single positive and negative cable at the back of one generator. Then connect this cable to the positive and negative ports on your main panel.

Connect it between these two places if you’re using a transfer switch.

Finally, connect the smaller cables from each generator directly to their separate outlets in your home or business.

Step 3: Take Advantage of Your Improved Power

Running parallel generators is an excellent option if you need more power to run your home or business. It’s also a good choice if you want to be more environmentally conscious, as it reduces your carbon footprint by using less fuel than running two separate generators.

There are many parallel generators, but they all work on the same principle: they share fuel and work together to produce power.

They can be used individually or in conjunction with each other depending on your needs, so you must do some research before making any purchases.

Our guide will help you learn how to properly set up, use, and maintain your parallel generator system so that it provides you with years of reliable service!

What Is Generator Synchronisation?

Generator synchronization is a process that helps match various aspects of one generator with the other in a parallel system.

This process prevents damage to the generators and any connected equipment by ensuring they run at the same speed, frequency, and phase angle.

Generators are often synchronized to provide reliable power in an emergency or outage.

Synchronization can also be used to prevent damage during maintenance work or servicing, as well as ensure the smooth operation of equipment connected to generators.

Synchronizing a generator is a process that ensures all generators are running at the same frequency.

In an unsynchronised system, one generator may run faster or slower than the others, which can cause problems for the entire electrical system. 

It can also cause unbalanced loads on the network, which could damage other equipment or overload circuits.

Generator synchronization is required in many different types of power plants and installations.

Factors To Take Into Consideration Before Parallel Connecting Two Generator:

Based on my experience, I have mentioned some essential factors you should consider before paralleling the generators.

Complement The Output Wattages:

Before connecting two generators in parallel, you should consider matching the output wattages of your generators.

This will ensure that both generators operate at the same voltage, which is essential for proper operation.

Suppose you have more than one generator and they are not all producing the same amount of power.

In that case, it is recommended that you connect all of your generators in parallel to increase the total voltage produced.

Connecting multiple generators in parallel will also help to reduce overall power loss and increase efficiency.

You should also consider matching your generator’s voltage ratings as well as their current ratings. If you do not match these values, there may be a risk of damaging either or both of your devices.

A Complete Harmonic Distortion:

A generator’s total harmonic distortion (THD) can significantly affect how well your RV performs.

The system and the appliances in your RV will be harmed if two of these devices are connected in parallel, and the voltage fluctuates at different times.

The THD measures how much the generator’s power output varies when operating. The higher this number, the more likely you will have electrical system issues with your RV.

Concerns About Safety:

Safety consideration is one of the most important things before connecting two generators in parallel.

The first thing to remember when connecting two generators in parallel is that they must be the same voltage, phase, and frequency.

If you connect two different generators in parallel, then you will cause a large amount of current to flow through the system, and it may damage your generator or other components.

In addition, if you use a generator with more voltage than the generator with which it is connected, it will increase current flow through the system, which could cause additional damage to either or both of your generators.

When connecting two generators in parallel, all safety precautions must be taken into account so that no one gets injured or, worse yet, killed.

How Many Generators Can You parallel?

Two generators can be parallel connected, but you will need to take care of the voltage drop across the parallel branches.

This is because the combined load current of the two generators is higher than that of one generator, which means that the voltage drop across each parallel branch will be higher than that across a single branch.

A more complicated situation occurs when more than two generators with different ratings are connected in parallel. In such a case, each generator should have its circuit breaker to avoid overloading any branch.

How To Connect Two Inverter Generators In Parallel?

You will need two compatible inverter generators and parallel cables to connect two inverter generators in parallel.

Typically, three cables connect to each generator (two connection cables and a ground terminal). The first step is to connect the batteries of each generator using the connection cables

 This can be done with a simple jumper cable or by attaching alligator clips to the terminals on each battery.

Next, attach one end of each connection cable to the positive terminal on one of the generators and then attach the other end to an identical terminal on the other generator.

Repeat this process with the other pair of terminals to connect all four in parallel.

Finally, attach alligator clips from both generators’ negative terminals together using another jumper cable or by attaching them directly to a metal part of your vehicle (such as its chassis) or another piece of metal, such as a fence post or railing post.

Can You Parallel Two Different Brand Inverter Generators?

Yes, you can parallel two different brand inverter generators.

Parallel connection is when a generator is connected to another generator, but the output from both generators is combined and sent to the load through a single wire.

This balances the load between the two generators so that one does not become overloaded while the other is underloaded.

Both generators can produce as much power as they would typically produce when parallel-connected if operating independently.

However, for this process to work correctly, some essential considerations must be made:

The voltage and frequency must match between the two generators, or they will not work together correctly. If there is a difference between them, one of the machines will probably fail or burn out because it’s being given an input voltage that’s too high or too low for its internal circuitry.

The Benefits Of Using Parallel Generators:

The benefits of using parallel generators are many.

  • First, they are easier to maintain than larger generators. You must replace the entire unit with a traditional generator if it breaks down. But with a parallel generator, if one unit breaks down, you just replace that one and keep going.
  • Second, they are easier to transport because they’re smaller and lighter than traditional generators. This makes it easier to move around and store in different areas, which is essential for companies that need flexibility in their power sources.
  • Third, they produce more power together than a single generator. The combined output of multiple parallel generators can be greater than the output of any individual generator on its own.
  • The most significant benefit of using parallel generators is their control and management ability. They can be run together or separately during an emergency, allowing you to control the load draw for each one.
  • Parallel generators are more efficient and easier to control the load draw. They are less expensive and faster to install than other types of generators.


Parallel generators have different sizes and output voltages with the same current. Parallel generators must be connected so that the total voltage drop must sum up to the full load voltage. 

In this article, I have explained how parallel generators work, and answer the question Can You Parallel Two Different Size Generators? and they are used. Parallel generators provide the same amount of electrical energy to a load. They are mostly installed in significant buildings like hotels, hospitals, and many more.


Can you parallel two-size champion generators?

By connecting two inverter generators that are at least 2800 watts apart, the Champion Parallel Kit boosts your power. This system comes with two 15,000 BTU RV air conditioners, two 120V 30A lockable and 120V 50A RV outlets, and is quick and straightforward to install without any equipment.

What are the conditions for connecting two generators in parallel?

The following requirements must be fulfilled while synchronizing with the utility or connecting the generators in parallel: proper/matched frequency rotation of the phases in agreement. Voltages that are in phase and fall within a specific voltage range.

Can you link two different generators?

Although a single portable generator may only provide a certain amount of electricity, two portable generators can be combined to produce twice as much power. This process, known as paralleling generators, enables you to power greater loads with smaller units, such as RV air conditioners.

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