How Many Amps Does A 5000 BTU Air Conditioner Use? What Are Amps-Detailed Answers!

Everyone wants to know How Many Amps A 5000 BTU Air Conditioner Uses? Well, I’ll save you the effort of looking for it as there is no easy answer. This is because every manufacturer of every AC unit provides different information about their units, which is why there is no consensus among manufacturers.

An air conditioner’s ability to cool a place is measured in BTUs, but the amount of energy it uses to do this is measured in amps. So the first thing that needs to be determined is how much electricity one needs to cool one area.

In this article, I will provide information about the amps of air conditioners. But first, you should know how many amps a 5K BTU air conditioner uses.

What Are Amps?

Amp is short for ampere and is the unit of measure for electrical current. An amp is a common measurement used to describe the amount of power a circuit or battery delivers when it supplies current. Amps are also used as an expression of volume on most audio equipment.

What Is BTU?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, and it is the metric used to measure the power of an air conditioning unit. Most air conditioners are rated in BTU, ranging from 5,000 to 15,000, depending upon the size of the space.

BTU stands for British thermal unit. It measures the power needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. That’s why we use it for all our heating and cooling since that is exactly what an HVAC system does: heats and cools air to help keep you comfortable.

How Many Amps Does A 5000 BTU Air Conditioner Use?

The answer to this question depends on the size of your air conditioner. Typically, a 5000 BTU unit will consume 4.3 amps. The number of amps your particular unit uses will vary based on whether it runs on 115 or 230 volts and how many hours it runs each day.

How To Determine The Amp Requirement For An Air Conditioner?

The amp requirement for an air conditioner is determined by its size. The larger the air conditioner, the more electricity it requires. However, even if you have a smaller air conditioner, it can still use a lot of electricity if running constantly.

Electrical power is measured in Watts, while electrical current is measured in Amps. To determine the amp requirement for a given air conditioner, you’ll need to know two things:

  •  The BTU rating of the unit (in BTUs per hour)
  •  The power consumption of the unit (in Watts)

You can use the following equations.

Air conditioner capacity (BTU) = EER/P (in Watts)

To determine the amp requirement for an air conditioner, we first need to calculate the BTU capacity of the unit. This is equal to its EER (Energy Efficiency Rating) divided by its power consumption in watts.

P (in Watts) = V (in Volts) * I (in Amps)

Next, we can use this equation: P = V * I. P represents power (watts), V represents voltage (volts), and I represents current (amps). We then plug in our values from above into this equation to determine how much current will be needed for our air conditioner.


5,000 BTU Window AC with an EER of 10.

Consider a compact 5,000 BTU unit with an EER of 10. We also know that the outlet has a 115V electrical potential. So here’s how we figure out how many amps are needed to power the device:

I (10 x 115V) / 5,000 BTU = 4.35 Amps (in Amps).

The fewer amps will be required by the air conditioner, the greater its energy efficiency. As a result, we’ll use less energy while still receiving the 5,000 BTU of cooling power. EER ratings exceeding 11 are found in the most energy-efficient window air conditioners.

Tips on Purchasing Budget-Friendly Air Conditioners:

The air conditioner is the most important appliance for a house. It keeps you cool in the hot summer and makes you feel comfortable. But, if you have a tight budget and can’t afford to buy an expensive air conditioner, then here are some tips that will help you in purchasing a budget-friendly air conditioner:

  • Check the wattage of your unit and buy an air conditioner with a wattage less than or equal to that of your existing one.
  • Make sure your room size is not bigger than what your AC unit can cover. If it’s larger, then it will not be effective.
  • Buy an energy-efficient AC unit because it will save electricity and money on utility bills over time!
  • Compare energy usage ratings. The higher the EER rating, the more efficient your air conditioner will be.
  • Buy an air conditioner with a variable-speed compressor if you want to save money on electricity bills by using less during the warmer months of the year.
  • Look for an air conditioner with a heating option so you can use it year-round without installing another unit in your home or office building when temperatures drop below freezing temperatures outside during winter months (or vice versa).
  •  Look for quality products with good warranties and guarantees. You don’t want to shell out thousands of dollars for something that won’t last or is shoddily made—it’s not worth it!

How Many Amps Does A 5000-15000 BTU Air Conditioner Use?

The amount of current an air conditioner draws depends on its BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating and the time it’s being run. The higher the BTU, the more energy it uses.

The following chart shows how much electricity a 5000-15000 BTU air conditioner uses as its input.

150004.35 Amps
260005.22 Amps
380006.96 Amps
410,0008.70 Amps
512,00010.43 Amps
614,00012.17 Amps
715,00013.04v Amps

Draw Chart for Air Conditioner Amps

An amperage draw is important when you’re choosing an air conditioner. The amperage draw indicates how much electricity the AC will use and can help you figure out which size you need for your home.

Here’s what you need to know about amperage draw:

If you have a small house or apartment, you can get away with an 8-amp AC. However, if you have a larger house or apartment, I recommend using a 12-amp unit instead.

This table demonstrates that depending on the kind of air conditioner you’re talking about, there may be variations in current.

NOAir conditioner KindAmperage Draws BTU Range 
1Portable air conditioner7-13.5 Amps8000-14,000
2Window Air Conditioner5-10 Amps5000-24,000
3RV air conditioner 13-16 Amps11,000-24,000
4Mini Split air conditioner 4.5-17 Amps5000-48,000


At this point, I want to thank the readers for their patience. The answers have been delivered precisely, which should help you know more about AC amps consumption and how various conditions can affect them.

I hope this article clarified some of your queries about what Amp is, how many amps a 5,000 BTU air conditioner consumes, etc. 

There are many other things that you need to consider when buying a 5,000 BTU air conditioner, like brand, cooling capacity(BTU), noise level and installation requirements, warranty period, etc. We will be discussing these things in detail in our future articles.


How many amps does it take to start A 5000 BTU air conditioner?

The average 5000 BTU air conditioner uses 4.35 amps. However, a few 11–14 EER high-efficiency air conditioners only use 3–4 amps.

Does A 5000 BTU air conditioner need its circuit?

A larger air conditioner hooked into a regular outlet will trip your breaker when it starts up. While a common outlet can power a large unit, continued use can harm your air conditioner or circuit breaker. Thus it’s important to have a good outlet and dedicated circuit.

How long will a 5000 BTU AC run on battery?

This is the most popular brand and highest-rated portable AC unit in the 5,000 BTU bracket. This AC unit can run for up to four hours on four lithium phosphate batteries, sometimes referred to as “LiFePo batteries,” each of which has a capacity of 100 amp hours. Of course, this assumes that these batteries are initially completely charged.

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