How to Convert Your Propane Generator to Natural Gas? Quick Guide!

In this article about “how to convert a propane generator to natural gas?” I will go through the basic steps of what is needed, the benefits associated with this process, and how it can lead to great savings and improved efficiency. 

Natural gas is a fossil fuel primarily used to produce home electricity and heat. Propane is prepared from petroleum products, processed through cryogenic distillation, and stored in pressurised containers for use in an appliance.

There are many different options available in the market that offer fuel conversion kits for propane-powered generators. I will look at everything from affordable options, which make the job simple to do, to more advanced systems, which allow for multi-fuel capabilities through utilising two tanks.

How to Convert Your Propane Generator to Natural Gas?

  • The Essentials 
  • Purchase a Converter kit 
  • Consult with an expert 
  • Unplug your generator
  • Switching to Natural gas
  • Start the generator and loud it 

Propane generators are commonly used for outdoor events where electricity is not easily accessible. They may also be used during power outages or emergencies when you need electricity quickly and don’t have time to wait for an electrician to fix your generator or wiring issues with your home’s electrical system.

Can You Run A Propane Generator On Natural Gas?

Yes, you can run a Propane Generator on Natural Gas.

The important thing to note is that natural gas and propane are very different energy sources. Propane is a fossil fuel, while natural gas is a hydrocarbon from the ground. However, they are both used in many of the same ways.

Yes, propane is not natural gas—it’s an alternative fuel source to natural gas, but there are plenty of ways you can use it in your home to power your generator.

First of all, you need to make sure that your propane tank is compatible with natural gas. Second, you need to ensure that the generator is compatible with propane—but if it isn’t already compatible with both fuel types (propane and natural gas), it probably wasn’t worth buying in the first place!

If you’re still worried about compatibility issues or other safety concerns, talk to an expert at your local hardware store about getting the right equipment for your needs.

Why Should You Convert to Natural Gas

If you’re wondering if you should convert your propane to natural gas, the answer is a resounding YES!

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Natural gas is safer than propane because it doesn’t have any explosive vapors in its storage tank as propane does. So even if there’s a leak somewhere (which there won’t be because we use only top-quality equipment), it won’t explode into a fireball like propane can!
  • Natural gas is cheaper than propane—especially if you buy it in bulk! So why pay more when you can save money by converting over now?
  • You can breathe easier knowing that by converting to natural gas, you are helping the environment by using an eco-friendly energy source and reducing emissions contributing to global warming.
  • Converting to natural gas is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to save money on your utility bill.
  • You know it is not a good situation if you run out of propane. However, if you switch to natural gas and adapt your generator to run on it, you won’t ever have to be concerned about running out of fuel again.

Be aware that converting to natural gas means your generator is restricted to the vicinity of your natural gas source. So, switching to natural gas isn’t an option if you want to take your generator on a camping trip or somewhere else where there isn’t a natural gas line close by.

However, if you intend to use your generator at home and want to save money, consider switching to natural gas.

Also, remember that a proper conversion kit is the most important tool for converting your propane generator to natural gas. You can connect your propane generator to your natural gas line using this pipe with metal connectors on both ends. 

On the other hand, the mounting for your generator’s valve would depend on the type, so make sure you buy one that is acceptable for your generator.

Propane vs. Natural Gas

Natural gas and propane are fairly common fuels for heating or refuelling automobiles. However, even though they are sometimes used interchangeably, there are significant differences between them. Therefore, I contrast propane with natural gas in this table and point out their key distinctions.

Here I list their major differences :

NoBiggest DifferencesPropaneNatural Gas
1Energy Efficiency It is more energy efficient It energy efficiency is lower 
2Expense It is more expensiveNatural gas is less expensive and much faster than propane 
3Environment-FriendlyThere is no harm done if propane leaks into the atmosphere.Natural gas presents a unique set of circumstances, though. Methane, a greenhouse gas, is the primary component of natural gas.
To prevent natural gas from entering the atmosphere, it is crucial to try to prevent leaks and accidents.
4Safety The density of propane and natural gas is a significant distinction. Propane is heavier As a result, if there is a leak in a closed environment (such as a home), propane will be concentrated at the floor level,Natural gas is lighter than air, if there is a leak in a closed environment (such as a home)whereas natural gas will be higher up, at the ceiling level.
5Use In Home  and Transportation propane is typically kept in tanks where it is in liquid form. Even locations without access to gas pipes can have these tanks delivered. The disadvantage is that propane tanks need to be filled regularly, and if refills aren’t available for whatever reason (like a major storm), the home might be left without heat.Gas pipelines are used to distribute natural gas to residences. This implies that gas is accessible around-the-clock after gas pipelines are linked to a home.

How to Convert Propane Generator to Natural Gas

You might have thought about changing the fuel source from propane to natural gas to reduce fuel costs and provide a more reliable power source for your generator. 

However, that might be very challenging, so you must consider potential issues like cost-effectiveness and safety. Most of the time, switching to natural gas is simple and uncomplicated. However, there are a few things to know first.

1. The Essentials

Specifically, a carburetor connector and a fuel regulator are needed for this conversion. The regulator’s vacuum mechanism ensures that fuel can only flow when there is a gas flow on the exit, making it essential for safety. The generator creates a vacuum while it rotates to draw in fuel and air.

Because of the vacuum, the regulator’s valve will open, letting fuel flow in. Fuel will not be released if the generator shuts off for any reason. Although it is feasible to turn on a carburetor, connect a propane line to it instead.

The carburetor connector is the mechanism that links your carburetor to the generator’s air purifier. It makes it possible to pump natural gas into the generator’s carburetor and the fresh air from the air intake.

2. Purchase a converter kit.

Check to discover if your generator can run on natural gas as a first step. This information can be found in the user manual or on the manufacturer’s website for your generator. Additionally, check your generator for dual fuel indicators.

One of the best pieces of equipment you can obtain to help with conversion is a conversion kit. But remember that you’ll need a conversion set that works with your particular generator. Since not all kits are created equally, you must buy one that the maker of the generator has endorsed

3. Consult with an Expert

It’s simple to think that you know what you’re doing. Still, it would be wise to get professional advice to ensure that you’re doing it correctly and safely, especially given the risks associated with using natural gas.

Make sure utilising an adjustable gas hose or switching to natural gas is secure by consulting a specialist. They can suggest a long-term fix or provide you with other workable options if it isn’t safe. 

You are set to go if your generator is compatible, and the expert believes that switching to natural gas is secure and safe for you to adopt.

4. Unplug your generator

You must first turn off your generator since we will be switching two distinct power sources. Therefore, extreme safety precautions must be taken, and cutting the gasoline supply is the safest way.

Start by shutting off your gas at the main valve. Detach and secure your propane tank or canister after that. Before closing all valves, release one valve to allow any lingering gas to escape as an extra safety measure; This should ensure that the generator has been completely cleaned out of propane.

5. Switching to a natural gas 

Remove the front generator cover first, then use tape to mark a line from the air filter’s border to the plastic generator frame. 

Using this to your advantage, you can designate the area where the gas line will be drilled. The hole should then be drilled after drawing a line through it. Next, use a step bit to raise the hole’s size to 9/16″ after starting with a pilot piece.

Remove the three nuts that hold the air filter mask in place, the air filter cover, and the air filter mask. 

Then, using the supplied washers, you may attach the gas pipe and direct it through the hole you made. Fittings are attached after the elbow is set up.

Using the provided gaskets, secure the opposite end of the gas pipe to the carburetor. With the provided spacer, replace the air filter panel. Next, take off the covers for the generator motor and air regulator. Finally, replace the sticker that came with your kit with the factory running sticker.

6. Start the generator and load it.

Utilising gasoline, turn on your generator and warm it to operating temperature. Turn the fuel valve to the off position and let the generator run until no more fuel is left in the gas pipe or carburetor. 

Screw everything the way in. Hold the primary button on the regulator’s back for a short while. Turn the fuel adjustment screw in for less fuel and out for more when the generator is running. Once you’ve discovered the ideal mixture, tighten the preset nut to keep it in place.

Problems With Converting Propane Generator To Natural Gas

Converting a propane generator to natural gas is a popular choice, but it can also be difficult. Here are some of the problems you might come across when converting your propane generator to natural gas:

  • You need access to an air compressor to get all of the air out of the lines after you remove them from your old generator. This can lead to a fire hazard, so you must learn how to do this before beginning the conversion process.
  • Propane and natural gas are different densities, meaning they will not mix well if you try mixing them. This will cause problems with the efficiency and performance of your new generator.
  • In some areas, only one type of natural gas is available (for example, if there is only one pipeline running through town). If this is true in your area, all generators will have to use this fuel source if they want one that runs on natural gas instead of propane or diesel fuel!

Here Are a Few Things To Consider Before Using:

Before deciding whether or not to use natural gas to run your propane generator, first and foremost, you will need to ensure that your local utility company allows customers to run natural gas-powered generators. 

If they allow this, you will need to get permission from them before starting up your generator.When using natural gas as a fuel source for your propane generator, there are some important safety precautions that you should take into consideration. 

For example, the natural gas line mustn’t leak at any point during operation because this could be fatal in certain situations. 

Also, if you have pets or children in the house while using natural gas as fuel for your propane generator, stay upstairs or outside until after it has been turned off again. 

It is essential because there could be an explosion if something ignited inside the house due to leaking fumes from the gas line . 

It could cause serious damage or even death in some cases depending on how much was leaked out before detecting it properly, so please take caution when using this method!


Many propane gas-powered generators are on the market today, so if you have any plans to move to natural gas, you must know what you’re getting into. In this article I explained  all you need to know about: How To Convert Your Propane Generator To Natural Gas? and using a propane generator with natural gas conversion kits.

I have used different methods to convert propane to natural gas in my research. In this article, I have explained all the steps to convert propane to natural gas; This is a very simple and easy process to follow.


Is propane generator better than gas?

There is no question that propane generators are superior to gas ones. Because propane is constantly available and ready to use, you can use a propane generator whenever you choose. Propane generators are hence superior.

Are propane generators quieter?

Because they burn cleanly, propane generators are quieter than gasoline generators, making them perfect for use in cabins. These generators are typically rated for noise levels between 65 and 75 decibels, which is relatively quiet for a generator. On the other hand, gasoline generators are typically substantially louder as their noise level ratings range from 80 decibels to 91 dB.

How long does it take propane to go bad when it is stored in a tank?

If you keep propane in a cold, dry location, it will remain usable for an endless amount of time. As a result, you can store vast quantities of propane without being concerned that they will eventually degrade.

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