What Size Generator To Run Air Compressor? Requirement & Recommendations!

What Size Generator Do You Need To Run An Air Compressor? This question I get asked a lot and the answer is simple: it depends. Understanding how voltage, amps, and watts work together means you can find out instantly what size generator you need to run a given machine.

I will answer in this article to tell you what size generator you need and how to calculate the right size generator size. So let’s get started.

What Size Generator To Run Air Compressor?

To determine the size generator to run an air compressor, you need to know the wattage of the air compressor and the load on the generator. For instance, A 1 horsepower compressor with a type L motor draws 10 amps at 120 or 1200 watts. Therefore, a 7200-watt generator is required to run this compressor.

Volts and amps are multiplied to produce running watts, as indicated on the tool nameplate. When starting, type G motors need three times the running watts, and type L motors need six times the running watts.

How To Choose The Right Generator Size To Run An Air Compressor?

The right size generator is the watts slightly exceeding the starting wattage required to turn on and run your compressor.

The starting wattage is generally listed on your air compressor’s label or in the owner’s manual, so you can easily find this information. Alternatively, you can consult a trusted maintenance specialist or look up your compressor’s model online to find out its starting wattage.

Once you have determined your compressor’s starting wattage, it’s time to determine how many watts you need. If your compressor spends most of its time running at full capacity, multiply the starting wattage by 1.5 to estimate how many watts your generator should produce.

The Wattage to Metric Conversion of an Air Compressor:

When you’re looking to buy a new air compressor, you may be confused about the power measurement for these products. Wattage is a simple calculation that can be done at home with simple tools.

Compressors will often detail both their running and starting wattage for you, but wattage can be easily calculated.

To calculate the wattage of your compressor, you’ll need to measure the voltage and amperage of your compressor. The compressor’s voltage will determine how much power it uses per hour.

The amperage tells you how much power it draws during start-up, which is usually much higher than the running wattage.

Most electric air compressors are 2 HP or less and run on standard 110-120V household outlets. Larger compressors that use more than 2 HP require outlets that range from 220 to 234 volts.

Because bigger horsepower motors need larger generators, this voltage impacts the size of the generator that will be needed.

You Must Do The Following To Get The Air Compressor’s Wattage:

Calculating the wattage of an air compressor is a simple process.

  • To begin, you will need to know the voltage and amperes of your air compressor.
  • Next, you will multiply the voltage by the amperages to calculate the running wattage of your compressor. Use this number as your running wattage.
  • Finally, multiply this number by 3 to determine how much energy it would take to start up your compressor. This will give you a good idea of how much electricity your air compressor uses on average per day or month, depending on how often it is used in total hours of operation throughout its life span.
  • The next time you’re looking to power up your air compressor, use a generator that provides wattage greater than starting wattage. At least three to five times the amount of wattage is required to start a compressor as is needed to run it.

Requirements For Generator Wattage:

Generators need to be sized based on the wattage requirements of your appliances and equipment.

To start an air compressor, a capacitor start induction motor requires 3 to 4.5 times the amount of torque during the starting phase than it does during normal operation. This means that you will need a generator that can provide enough power for your air compressor to start and run.

If you are looking for a generator that provides 240-volt power but also 120-volt power, look for one with an internal transfer switch that allows you to flip a switch on the generator itself to change circuits.

The size of the unit determines the wattage requirements for a compressor. For example, a small air compressor requires about 1,050 watts, while a large air compressor can take as much as 3,500 watts.

If you have an electric generator, you’ll need to determine how much electricity you require for your home before purchasing one. If you have an oil-fired or gas-powered generator, contact your local power company for more information on how much power is available at your home.

Compressor And Generator Size Options:

Air compressors are rated in horsepower (hp), which measures how much work the machine can perform. The higher the hp rating, the more powerful it will be at moving air through your system.

Generators are also rated in horsepower, which measures how much power they can produce. It does not measure their ability to move air through a system as an air compressor does.

When deciding on a generator or compressor, you need to consider how much wattage your house needs. For example, if you run an air compressor for a tool, you will want a generator that can provide the required wattage.

The air compressor’s power depends on its size and the amount of pressure it can produce. It also depends on the type of job it is doing.

For example, a large-scale compressor can do more work than a small one due to its increased capacity and pressure levels.

When choosing an air compressor or generator, make sure they match each other perfectly to work well together.

Also See: Common causes of generator startup failures

Evaluating The HP Of Various Compressors:

As you can see, there are many different types of compressors, each with specific requirements. If you’re looking to buy a compressor, check your compressor’s HP (horsepower) before committing to the purchase.

NOCompressorHouse power(hp)
1½ HP air compressor ½ HP air compressor is the smallest unit available and requires a 2000 starting wattage and 1000 running wattage. This is a good choice if you need an air compressor for light-duty applications like inflating bicycle tires or small inflatables for children’s pool parties.
21 HP air compressorA 1 HP air compressor needs 4500 watts to start up, but only 1500 watts when running. This unit is suitable for light-to-medium duty applications such as powering tools like sanders or nail guns.
31-½ HP air compressorA 1-½ HP air compressor needs 6000 watts to start up and 2200 watts when running. This unit is better suited for medium-to-heavy duty applications.
42 HP air compressor Finally, our 2 HP air compressor needs 7770 watts to start up and 2800 watts while running. This unit can handle any job on either end of the scale—from small inflatables to large commercial

I focus on air compressors with a power rating of between 1/2 and 2 HP since these are the ones most usually available in retail stores. Most of the compressors’ tendency reveals that starting a compressor requires three times as much power as operating it on a generator.

Don’t Compromise On The Generator:

A generator is one of the most important appliances in your house. It provides power to your home in times of need. Unfortunately, you cannot afford to play with it.

  • It is a machine that works on the principle of electricity, requiring a lot of energy. So, you should keep in mind some points while buying a generator that will help you get the best results.
  • The life span of any product depends on its quality and maintenance. The same thing applies to generators as well; if you take proper care of them, they last for a long time, which helps save money. 
  • However, if you don’t maintain them properly, they may stop working within a few months or years, depending on how much use they get from their users or owners. So, before buying a generator, make sure that it has been manufactured by a reputed brand known for its quality products that last longer than other brands available online or offline stores near you at affordable rates too!
  • Another important factor while choosing a generator is its power consumption because it determines how much electricity it can consume while running continuously without being interrupted by any external factors like weather.

Why Should You Use A Generator To Run A Compressor:

Here I will tell you the benefits of using a generator to run a compressor. 

Well, if you’re running an air compressor, it’s important to have enough power to keep up with demand. If your compressor runs at full capacity and you don’t have enough power, it risks overheating and failing. 

On the other hand, if you have a generator that can provide enough energy for your compressor needs, there’s no chance of damage or failure.

Now, generators come in various sizes and capabilities, so you must choose one that will be able to handle all of your needs. For example, suppose you have multiple compressors and need energy for them all at one time. 

In that case, you’ll need a larger generator than if you only have one compressor and use it occasionally during peak times. It’s also important that the generator is compatible with whatever fuel source it needs (gasoline, diesel fuel, or propane).

Also See: Powering a 5000 BTU air conditioner with a generator

Sizing Of Portable And StandBy Generator? 

Typically, standby generators are made to provide additional power to a residence in the event of a power loss. They have connected automatically, and if your main circuits malfunction, they will supply power.

A portable generator can be used anywhere and is powered by gas or propane. Its size will affect how portable it is.

These are required when there is no access to electrical power, and you will often use a portable generator to power your compressor. Both household and commercial projects can employ these compressors.

A gas-powered air compressor is an alternative to utilizing a generator to power a compressor. This will completely replace your need for electricity and give you access to the might of a gas-powered engine.

The cost and viability of using a gas device compared to conventional electric devices would need to be compared.

What Size Generator To Run 2hp Air Compressor?

If you need a generator that can provide 240 volts of energy and run a 2hp air compressor, then a 3kw generator is your best bet. A 3kw generator is perfect for running a 2hp air compressor while also powering other appliances, like lights and fans, in your home.

A 2hp air compressor requires 1,500 watts at 120 or 1,200 watts at 240 volts. This means that you will need a 3kw generator to power the appliance because it supplies more than enough watts for both voltage options.

What Size Generator To Run A 2.5hp Compressor?

One of the most common questions we get here is, “What size generator do I need to run my 2.5hp compressor?”

We’re happy to help you out! Here’s what you need to know:

A 2.5hp compressor requires about 2,2kw of power to run.

If you run a generator less than or equal to 2,2kw, it will work fine for your compressor. However, if your generator is more than 2,2 Kw, it will not work with your compressor because the generator won’t be able to provide enough power for both items at once.

The best way to ensure you have the right-size generator is by using a simple equation: Amps = Voltage x Power Factor x Hz / 1000 = kW (Kilowatts). So if your compressor takes up 1 amp of current and runs at 120 volts, you’ll need 120 volts x 1 amp x 1kW/1kW = 120 watts of energy to work properly.

Also See: Generator usage in garages: Safety considerations

What Generator To Run a 3HP Air Compressor?

The most important thing about any power source is how much power it can provide for your needs. To determine this, you need to consider how big your compressor is and how much power it needs. For example, a 3HP air compressor will require about 2,200 watts of power.

When considering which generator to use, there are several criteria that you should keep in mind:

Size: You want a generator that fits comfortably in the space where it will be installed and won’t take up too much room.

Weight: A heavy generator can be difficult to move around if you need to move it often or if stairs are involved in its installation process.

What Size Generator To Run 5hp Air Compressor?

A 5hp air compressor will require a generator capable of producing at least 750 watts of power. The most efficient generators are those that can produce the same amount of power they draw from the grid, and this means that you will need to buy a generator with a minimum capacity of 7500 watts

A smaller generator will not be able to run your 5hp air compressor for any significant period without needing to be refuelled.

Suppose you want to run other appliances in addition to your 5hp air compressor. In that case, you may need to buy a larger generator capable of generating more energy than what is required by your air compressor alone. 

This could include lighting and heating systems if you live in an area where winters are cold enough for these types of home accessories to be necessary for comfort during those months when temperatures drop below freezing outside (which would be any time between October through March).

How Many Watts Does A Compressor Use?

Compressors run on various voltages, but most residential compressors run on 110 volts. This means they draw 15 amps of current and use 1,650 watts of power (110 volts x 15 amps).

Heavy-duty compressors require special wiring and outlets and typically operate on 220 volts. For example, a compressor drawing 15 amps will draw 3,300 watts (220 volts x 15 amps) if it runs on a 220-volt circuit.

Will A 2000 Watt Generator Run An Air Compressor?

A 2000-watt generator should be able to run a very small air compressor, but you may need to make some adjustments.

The first thing you’ll want to do is check the size of the compressor. Most compressors have a horsepower rating, indicating how much power they require to run.

For example, a 1/4-horsepower compressor will draw around 100 watts at full load—and since a 2000-watt generator draws about 2200 watts at full load, that means there’s plenty of power available to run the compressor.

However, running other equipment on your generator—like lights or a radio—will pull away from what’s available for the compressor.

In this case, it would be best if you could operate your air compressor during off-peak hours or when there isn’t an urgent need for compressed air (for example: when nobody needs it right now).

Also See: Exploring generator options for dryers

Will A 3500 Watt Generator Run An Air Compressor?

YES, a 3500 Watt Generator can run a small air compressor.

This is because a 3500 Watt Generator has enough power to run more than one appliance simultaneously. This means it can run the air compressor and any other appliances you have plugged into it.

However, if your air compressor is larger than average, it may be too big for your generator to handle. If this is the case, you should look for a generator with more than 3500 watts of power to run your air compressor without any issues.


A generator is a good option for running a compressor or other electrical or non-electrical equipment. It is safer, easy to operate, and can be constructed using less money.

Generators are a good source of power for almost any places where a bigger source of power is not available. I hope it could help you. Thanks for reading my article


How many watts does it take to run a 20-gallon air compressor?

For this DEWALT 20-gallon compressor, multiply the amps by the voltage: 15 amps x 120V (15 x 120 = 1800 watts).

Will a 2000-watt generator run an air compressor?

Generally speaking, a generator with an operating wattage of 2000 to 2400 should be able to operate a very tiny air compressor (1/4 horsepower) without any problems.

Will a 3500-watt generator run an air compressor?

In general, a generator with an operating wattage of 3,500 to 4,000 should be able to run a small air compressor without any problems.

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