Dual Fuel Vs Gas Generator? Which One Is More Reliable?

There are many items to consider when looking at Dual fuel Generators vs Gas Generators, for that matter. Today there are many types of gas generators which is a good thing, but it also creates confusion among consumers. 

It’s a shame how many purchases are influenced by misleading or wrong information.It’s always nice to have multiple options available. When prices start to rise, you can take advantage of the lower-cost power from your local utility company. 

The best part about this is your fuel can be transported much farther than if you relied on a natural gas power plant for your electricity. If you want to invest in a gas generator, you’ll want one capable of powering several vital components.

 In this article, we will look at some of the major differences between these two types of generators and discuss how they can benefit your home or business differently.

Dual Fuel Vs Gas Generator 

The primary difference between the two types of generators is their fuel source. Dual-fuel generators burn propane (LP) gas and gasoline, while gas generators run completely on gasoline. Gas generators are the most popular option, as they are cost-efficient, easy to transport, and have a longer track record in dependability.

Gasoline generators tend to be slightly louder than dual-fuel models, but this can be mitigated by purchasing a model with a sound enclosure or soundproofing.

What Is a Dual Fuel Generator?

Most people are familiar with the idea of a generator—using the energy from one source to start another. However, a dual-fuel generator is something else entirely: it uses two different types of fuel for power and then converts them into something that can be used to start a third power source. 

This is accomplished by using an internal combustion engine to pull power from the first fuel source and then burning it in a generator set to produce electricity. 

When electricity is produced, it’s converted into mechanical energy that can be used to turn the second fuel source into its combustible form, which then gets burned again in the engine to continue producing more electricity. There are several advantages to using this type of generator over traditional ones.

A dual-fuel generator, also known as a standby generator, is a device that allows your home or office to function as usual, even during power outages.

 Dual fuel generators operate on gasoline and diesel, and they have a lower initial cost than other backup generators. However, although they are a viable alternative to full home generators, they have disadvantages.

What Is a Gas Generator?

 A gas generator is a machine that creates power by burning fuel, which then moves through a series of steps to produce power. The most basic type of gas generator is an internal combustion engine. An internal combustion engine burns fuel to generate power, which is then translated into rotational force. 

This rotational force powers most cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles. The same power source can be utilized in an electrical generator to create electricity. Gas generators are typically used to provide electricity during times of disaster or emergency when the grid has been compromised. 

They are also commonly used for commercial and industrial purposes during peak energy hours when electricity demand is high, and that demand already taxes the grid. Gas generators are also utilized on large construction sites to provide power during construction.

Dual Fuel vs Gas Generator Side-By-Side Comparison 

Here I have mentioned the major differences Of Dual Fuel vs Gas Generators

Gas GeneratorDual Fuel Generator
It uses gasoline as a fuel source and produces electricity by burning that fuel.A dual fuel generator uses both natural gas (methane) and liquid propane gas (LPG) as an alternative fuel source for its internal combustion engine (ICE)
Gas generators are simple and easy to use. They’re also portable, which makes them ideal for camping or tailgatingThey’re usually larger than gas-powered units because they need more space for storing LP tanks than they do for storing gasoline canisters.
Gas-powered units require manual cranking.Dual-fuel generators have an electric start option
They are not as easy to maintain as dual fuel generators because their engines must be kept in top condition at all times.They are more cost effective than gas-powered models and are easy to maintain

Dual Fuel vs Gas Generator: Major Differences 

There are many differences between gas generators and dual-fuel generators, but the most significant ones are described below


A gas generator will run for an hour or two before needing to be refuelled and restarted. Dual-fuel generators can run for days if necessary.

Gas generators are more powerful than dual-fuel generators but produce more noise and vibration. They also take more effort to start up and shut down.

The downside of dual-fuel generators is that they may cost more initially than gas-only models. However, dual-fuel generators are probably your best bet if you’re looking for a longer runtime and are okay with paying a bit more upfront.

Fuel And Storage 

The two main differences between a dual-fuel generator and a gas generator are the types of fuel they use and how much storage space they require.

Dual-fuel generators run on propane and gasoline, so they can be used anywhere that has either fuel available. Gasoline is more common, but propane is more efficient, so it makes sense to use propane if you have access to it.

Gasoline generators are much more common than dual-fuel models, so there’s only a point in buying a dual-fuel model if you have access to both fuels.

The exception is if you live in an area where electricity is unreliable or expensive and want to keep your power costs down by using propane instead.

Eco Friendly 

Gasoline generators produce exhaust fumes that pollute the air, which causes all kinds of health problems for humans and animals alike. 

On the other hand, LP gas doesn’t produce exhaust fumes; it burns cleanly with no particulate matter or carbon monoxide emissions released into the atmosphere.

Generators are often used in residential and commercial areas, where they can source noise pollution. 

They are also responsible for releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere, which can cause health problems. Gas generators produce fumes containing carbon monoxide and other toxic chemicals, which harm humans.

On the other hand, dual-fuel generators use natural gas as their main fuel source and have a smaller emission rate than gas generators. Dual fuel generators have fewer harmful emissions in comparison to gas generators.


Dual-fuel generators have a more complex internal design than single-fuel generators, requiring more maintenance. That said, you can do a few things to extend their life and reduce your maintenance costs.

Gasoline engines need to be changed every 80 hours of running time, while propane engines should be changed every 250 hours of running time.

The more often you change the oil in your generator, the less maintenance it’ll need over time.

Also See: Solar Generator vs. Gas Generator: Which One is Best for My Home?

Pros And Cons Of Dual Fuel Generator 


  •  Dual fuel generators are more efficient and cost-effective in the long run.
  • They are a wise investment for your home since they produce electricity at a lower cost than power from the grid.
  •  You don’t have to worry about fuel shortages during an emergency or natural disaster.
  •  Dual-fuel generators are cleaner than single-fuel models because they don’t use gasoline or propane; they convert natural gas into electricity more efficiently than any other type of generator on the market today.
  •  Dual fuel generators can be fueled by liquid propane or natural gas and can also use gasoline as a backup fuel source if needed (for very large loads).


  • They’re more expensive – dual fuel generators cost more than standard generators, partly because they require a larger engine. The advantage is that you don’t have to buy another generator when you want a backup power source for your home.
  • They’re harder to maintain – they require special care and maintenance, including the proper amount of oil and gas. If you’re not comfortable owning a generator, it’s best to stick with a standard generator that uses only one fuel type.
  • They’re less portable – the dual fuel option can make your generator heavier and harder to move around if you need to take it with you for camping or other purposes.

Pros And Cons Of Gas Generator 


  • They are portable and easy to use. You can move them around as needed, which makes them ideal for use during power outages or emergencies.
  • They are affordable. Gas generators cost much less than other generators and can be purchased for as little as $500.
  • Gas generators don’t require maintenance as often as other generators do. They also don’t need oil changes, which can save you money in the long run.


  • High maintenance – You must change the oil, spark plugs and filters regularly. If you don’t do it, your generator will break down quickly.
  • Expensive to run – The cost of operating a gas generator is higher than other generators. This is because it requires fuel and spark plug replacement every few years.
  • Noisy – Gas generators produce a lot of noise when they operate. This can be a problem if you live in an apartment building or want to use the generator at night when everyone else is sleeping.

Uses Of Dual Fuel Generator 

The dual-fuel generator is a unique product that can be used in many ways. It can run on diesel and natural gas, so it can be used in places with no electricity available. In addition, it can be used as an alternative fuel source for vehicles.

 The duel fuel generator is commonly used by contractors when they are in remote locations, such as mining sites or construction sites.

The dual fuel generator is often used by oil companies who want to ensure that their equipment will continue to work even if there is an outage in the power grid. This type of generator is also popular with people who live off-grid and want to use alternative energy sources.

There are many different types of dual-fuel generators on the market today. They all come with different features and capabilities, so you should research them before buying them.

Uses Of Gas Generator 

The gas generator is a great source of power. It is used in many industries and also in homes. Gas generators are also used in hospitals and other places with no electricity.

The main function of the gas generator is to produce electricity from natural gas or liquid fuel. They are generally used for emergencies when there is no power supply for a long period. 

They have become very popular because they can be used safely and easily without causing any damage to the environment.

Here are some uses of gas generators:

Generation of Electricity

The most common use of the generator is to produce electricity when no power supply is available.

These machines can be used at home or office and in industries where they can help generate the power required by different appliances such as computers and other electronic devices.

Emergency Lighting Systems

In case of any emergency, like a blackout or flood, these machines are ideal for providing emergency lighting systems to help people move around safely during such conditions. 

These machines will automatically switch on when there is no electricity supply available and turn off when enough power is generated to meet all your needs in your house or office building. This feature makes them very beneficial, especially during emergencies.

Commercial/Industrial Use

Gas generators can also be used for commercial and industrial purposes, such as powering construction sites and manufacturing facilities during peak seasons or when there is high demand for their products or services. 

In these cases, utility companies may not have enough capacity to meet the needs of their customers, so they rely on their gas-powered generator sets to keep everything running smoothly. At the same time, they wait for more power from their local utility authority.

Are Dual Fuel Generators Worth It?

Dual fuel generators are the ultimate in convenience. They can run on gasoline or natural gas, so you never have to worry about running out of fuel on a job site. The problem is that they’re expensive — really expensive.

Dual Fuel Generators: Worth It?

A dual-fuel generator can cost between $2,000 and $3,000 more than a comparable gasoline-powered model. That’s a lot of money for something that will sit idle most of the time.

But if you need a generator for emergency backup power at home or at work, then it might be worth it to pay the extra money for dual fuel capability. You’ll never have to worry about running out of gas again!

Considerations When Buying a Dual Fuel Generator

The first thing to consider when looking at dual-fuel generators is whether you actually need one in the first place. 

If you already have an existing generator that runs on propane or natural gas, then there’s no reason to add another one to your fleet. 

The only benefit is having access to backup power sources beyond just gasoline — but if you already have one, then this won’t be necessary anyway.

Dual Fuel vs Gas Generators: Which One Is Better 

  • Gas generators are more expensive than dual-fuel generators, but they also produce more power. The price difference can be significant, especially if you’re comparing a gas generator to a smaller dual-fuel unit.
  • Gas generators are more efficient and produce more power than their diesel counterparts. 
  • However, they also require more maintenance and care during operation. Gasoline is highly flammable, so proper storage and handling procedures should be followed at all times. 
  • If a gasoline leak occurs, it should be immediately contained by placing sand or dirt on top of the spill area.
  • Dual fuel generators are sometimes referred to as “clean” because they don’t emit any harmful fumes or odours as gas units do. They also have fewer moving parts than gas units which makes them easier to maintain over time
  • If you’re looking for a generator that will run for hours on end without having to refuel, then a gas-powered unit is probably your best bet. 
  • They produce more power which means less time spent waiting around for your equipment to recharge between jobs or projects.
  • However, if you plan on using your generator infrequently, then consider purchasing a dual-fuel model instead since they’re cheaper in price than full-time gas models and don’t require as much maintenance due to their lack of moving parts compared.


This article highlights the differences between Dual Fuel Vs Gas  Generators as well as their respective advantages over each other. It concludes by suggesting a generator buyer should go with whichever type of generator suits his or her needs best.

 Price and engine technology are the driving factors between these two types of generators. But ultimately, they’re both good options if you know what to look for and you take advantage of the features that are important to you.

 However, that’s easier said than done. If you’re just a casual user who needs a generator for emergencies or power outages, it’s better to stick with a cheaper gas generator. However, if you’ll be using your generator frequently, you should go with the better option (dual fuel).


What is a dual generator?

Because they may run on one fuel source in the absence of the other, dual fuel generators, act like a bi-fuel system. However, the majority of generating sets are configured to start up when the primary fuel supply is present.

Can a portable generator run on natural gas?

Natural gas can be connected to a portable generator, although it is not always straightforward. Some portable generators can run on natural gas straight out of the box, but others need to be adjusted before they can.

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